
When ego (and a bit of rebel) takes over

I am now a free female.
I am enrolled in one of the top universities in the country, studying a very promising field of carreer that will hold my back when anything else fails in the future.
I am well supported with a family that trusts me. I have a mother with a good sense of treatment, a dad with a good sense of style, a sister with broad relations and other two with excellent time management. With them I can do anything.
I have my friends around me, all types of guys that cares for me and lets me care for them, and are willing to help me in their own special ways. I'm taken care of.
I earn money with what probably is my best asset and passion, and by doing so, I have touched the lives of people I have never imagined would know so well. I have helped improve their images of self, and I am getting paid for it.
I have lived my dream, before I am 20.
I am blessed to find joy in other people's happiness, thus making me almost never entirely too unhappy to do things. Little things - the nearly-rain wind on my face, bubbles floating and sparkling peacefully, Circle K - that people ignore are dominant soothing factors for me.
In conclusion,
I have the ability to do what my heart desires, as I am most likely able to economically support it myself, find a friend to do it with, and with the help of my family, look good doing it :)
Nothing is holding me back except myself, and I am most thankful for that.



Everybody is beautiful in their own ways.
What kind of crap is that?
That's exactly the kind of sentences that can be made up by some low-confidence guy trying to make people like him feel better, or worse, this is made by some sex God(ess) in a desperate attempt to produce a humble response for uncountable compliments s/he might get.
OF COURSE everybody is beautiful in their own ways. But is that supposed to make us, ugly people (no offense, beautiful readers) feel better about ourselves??
Low profile of self is a tricky bussiness. It does starts from inside, when you look around and you look in the mirror and realize that you're not as "attractive" (this taken from whatever standard applied to your environment) as some other people. This grows into a full regret of self, and many many desperate attempts to conjure up a better image, or, if anything else fails, hide ourselves in the darkness. Most of the time people like this need other people to pull them away from this darkness, helping them to believe that they are just as good as any other person. The "pullers", God bless them, have to help build up the pathetic peoples' self-confidence, usually by convincing them to stop thinking about how ugly they are.
Let's stop there.
Now imagine this. You're the puller, you're saying to someone, "Come on, you're not that ugly you know..." and your friend replies, "Yeah right! Just look at my thighs, it's as big as hell, and my face has so many pimples and my ears are uneven, and don't get me started on these scars...."
What are you supposed to say?
"I think you're still your own way."
What else can you say to help save your friend? It's unhealthy to have such a bad vision of self, and usually the perfect cure is compliment, and strangely, it has to be physical. And hypothetically, when you can't think of ANY good physical things your friend may possess, but you want them to feel better anyways, THE SENTENCE CAME OUT!!!
I hope by this point you have understood the crap I was referring to.
See, I'm not going to talk about how you built your own confidence. But just like bad visions come from within, the good visions has to come from within as well. People with respect for themselves say, "I am beautiful". Full stop. In more ways than one, people who think they are beautiful, usually are.