
Well, then.

I'm in a stage in my relationship where I miss my precious man so much that I pout alone in my room, feeling forlorn and, after years and years of not writing on account of lacking the emotional triggers, automatically open a new file and type away. That kind of foolish sentimentality.

I love it, though. I'm in a stage in my life where I'm aware of most of my emotions, and I know I'm being silly and utterly, unnecessarily, emotionally dependent. Being lovestruck is a beautiful thing.

I also know that it can make me unreasonably sensitive to anything - like being sad because I'd told him I miss him and he hadn't replied. It's just those stupid things. I'm sure the little girl in me just LOVED having a reason to feel lonely and abandoned, but the fact is, I'm not. I'm in a great relationship, perhaps the best one yet, with a guy whom I trust, respect and care for.

So as nice as it is to gaze mournfully out the window as I regret being so open and vulnerable to a man who just doesn't understand how important a text message is, I should stop looking for reasons to be so damn depressed, because really, I don't know how it can get better than this.

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